Mriganka Saxena, Architect and Urban Designer

The Yamuna River Project (YRP) has had resounding success in the NCT of Delhi over the past few years. Opportunities now exist for new partnerships and associations within the NCT and beyond with the aim to make significant on-ground impact and expand the leanings from the Delhi experience to similar contexts in other parts of the country. Extending her experience in the public sector in this domain, Mriganka aims to prepare a strategy for re-positioning YRP within the Administrative and Political structures to meet the above aim and forge new alliances.

Mriganka is an Architect and Urban Designer with over fifteen years experience in the field of urban design and planning in UK and India. She has worked extensively with both the public and private sectors with a particular focus on design led policy and tools for effective delivery. Her core areas of expertise include restoration and management of natural water resources, Transit Oriented Development and mobility.

Mriganka has written policy and design guidance for various towns and cities and draws on her on-ground experience of leading numerous large scale projects for the same. As Senior Consultant with the Delhi Jal Board, Government of NCT of Delhi, Mriganka most recently led an ambitious project of comprehensively restoring existing water bodies and drains in the city. Having put in place the overall approach and methodology, strategy for roll out, enabling frameworks, SOPs and standards, the project is now ready to get on ground. As Senior Consultant at and on behalf of the Unified Traffic and Transportation Infrastructure (Planning and Engineering) Centre (UTTIPEC), Delhi Development Authority in New Delhi, Mriganka co-authored the Delhi Masterpan 2021 Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Policy, the first ever to be adopted in the country. She also redrafted the Delhi Masterplan 2021 Policy on Transportation with the aim to bring about a mobility transition in the city. Mriganka is one of the writers of the Urban Design Compendium II – Delivering quality places (2007), a comprehensive document establishing best practice for the implementation and delivery of urban design in the UK.

Mriganka is the Founding Partner of Habitat Tectonics Architecture & Urbanism (HTAU), a Delhi-based Architecture and Urban Design Studio. She has been visiting faculty at the Department of Urban Design in the School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi since January 2010. Mriganka received her Bachelor of Architecture degree from TVB School of Habitat Studies in New Delhi and a Masters in Science in City Design and Social Science from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).